Friday 27 June 2014

  Lets start by saying I really couldn't think of a post title for this one, so I just didn't bother.  So this one came about when I was waiting around to hear back about some stuff and it was quiet. I don't think I set out to do a bar setting, I think it just swung that way when I found myself with a drink in hand. Anyhoo non of that is important. The important bit was I running through the whole process, because its a familiar one for me and it felt good. It did start out a very typical build, till I decided to stick syringes in mannequins.

So why am I sticking sharp things in people shaped objects? I'm not sure I have a completely clear cut answer for that, and not one I want to share anyway. Though I think the general feeling behind it comes across rather well. This place ended up being about poison.

I mean we have all said that something or someone was poison at some point, ha! people say it about me often enough. Part of me is desperate to start ranting on about what's toxic in my SL, yet if I did that this would be more a very LONG essay. I do have a heart so will not subject you to that, for today atleast maybe next time.

I guess the moral of the tale is poison kills... its a miracle Storm lasted so long as it is. Oh and before I forget  in other news the  LEA sim will stay open till July 31st 2014. They kindly gave us a one month extension which as I had nothing on accepted. 